Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Cisco Acquires Social Networking Company

Cisco Systems Technical Marketing Engineer David Lin holds up Cisco's latest wireless 7921 IP phone at Cisco headquarters in San Jose, Calif., Monday, Jan. 5, 2007. Cisco Systems is expected to announce quarterly earnings, Tuesday, Feb. 6, 2007, after the closing bell. (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma)

AP) -- Cisco Systems Inc., whose core business is selling the routers and switches that direct data traffic over computer networks, said it has acquired a small social networking company that allows businesses to create MySpace-like communities on their Web sites.

Cisco said Friday that it was paying an undisclosed amount to acquire privately held Five Across Inc., an 11-person San Francisco company whose software allows companies to add user-interaction and multimedia-sharing capabilities to their Web sites

Five Across' publishing platform allows users to create personal Web pages and post photos, videos and audio clips, much like the proprietary system used by News Corp.'s MySpace. Cisco said the acquisition, its 116th since 1993, is the company's first in the social networking space but likely not the last. The deal is expected to close within the current fiscal quarter. Analysts said the acquisition helps further Cisco's expansion beyond its role as purely a network equipment provider and into helping distribute the media that drives bandwidth consumption and even more network upgrades. Danielle Levitas, a senior analyst at market researcher IDC, said the Five Across acquisition could help Cisco win greater access to a wide range of companies, particularly those in media and entertainment, looking to upgrade their Web sites to connect with customers. "I actually see this as benefiting their core business - if they can promote users using their broadband more, that's huge for them," Levitas said. Cisco has profited mightily in recent quarters from surging sales of its routers and switches as service providers and other companies scramble to upgrade their networks to prepare for the next generation of video and other bandwidth-intensive downloads. Cisco, which was sitting on nearly $21 billion in cash at the end of the second quarter, has been rapidly expanding by acquiring companies that capitalize on the products and services that utilize the network itself. The company's largest recent acquisition was its $6.9 billion purchase last year of Scientific-Atlanta Inc., the world's second-largest cable television box seller. Last month, Cisco also announced it was paying $830 million in cash and stock to acquire IronPort Systems Inc., a maker of anti-spam and antivirus security products. That deal is also expected to close in the current quarter. Investors have cheered the San Jose-based company's robust earnings growth, sending its shares up 45 percent from a year ago and creating more than $51 billion in additional shareholder wealth. Cisco's stock closed up 5 cents to $28.14 on Thursday before the acquisition was announced. By JORDAN ROBERTSON, AP Technology Writer © 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Cisco Systems ag teknolojileri konusunda dünyaki lider kuruluslardan biridir. 1984 yilinda Standford Üniversitesi'nden Len Bosack ve Sandy Lerner tarafindan kurulmustur. Sirketin ismi San Francisco sehrinin son iki hecesinden olusturulmustur.

Cisco Systems tüm dünya çapinda ag network çözümleri sunan bir sirkettir. Cisco Systems'in sundugu sertifikasyon sistemi yine tüm dünyada geçerli olan ve Cisco Certified elemanlarin is bulmasinda kolaylik saglayan bir içerige sahiptir.1984 yilinda Standford Üniversitesi'nden Len Bosack ve Sandy Lerner tarafindan kurulmustur. Bu sertifikasyon sistemi CCNA (Cisco Certified Networking Associate), CCNP (Cisco Certified Networking Professional) ve CCIE (Cisco Certified Internetworking Expert) seviyelerinden olusmaktadir.

Sirketin ismi San Francisco sehrinin son iki hecesinden olusturulmustur.

Dubai Internet Sehri (Dubai Internet City) kisaca DIC, Dubai emirligi tarafindan, Dubai'nin 25 km. güneyinde bir serbest ticaret bölgesinde insa edilip ekim 2000'de açilan bilisim teknolojisi parkidir.

Saglanan cazip imkanlarla aralarinda Microsoft, IBM, Oracle Corporation, Sun Microsystems, Cisco, HP, Nokia, Siemens gibi dünya çapinda birçok bilisim firmasininda bulundugu serbest ticaret bölgesinde bugün 850 firma ve 10.000 üzerinde çalisan mevcuttur.

Default username on Cisco routers

I get a lot of hits via Google from people searching for a default username on Cisco router. It's ages-old news, but there is no default username. Period. If you have to get access to a router and cannot remember the password(s), the only thing left is the password recovery mechanism ... although even that can be disabled with the no service password-recovery configuration command.

There are, however, a few things you can do if you want to relax the access to your router in a lab environment (never do it in a production network):

  • If you configure no enable password, you can switch to enable mode without supplying a password
  • If you want to telnet to a router without supplying a password, configure no login on the vty lines.
  • If you want to be in privilege mode immediately after accessing the router, configure privilege level on the console or vty lines.

Cisco IOS web server with no enable password

IOS has (yet another) nice "underdocumented" feature - if you don't have an enable password/secret configured on your router, you can access IOS HTTP(S) server (assuming it's enabled with the ip http server command) without any authentication whatsoever. Of course you'd never do that in a production environment, but it's nice to know you can always configure the router from a web browser if needed (see also the discussion on default passwords with Cisco SDM).

Show IP access lists attached to an interface

When developing yet another Tcl script, I've stumbed across an interesting show command: the show ip access-list interface name introduced in IOS release 12.4(6)T displays the contents of the inbound and outbound IP access-list applied to the specified interface. The really nice part is that the ACL statistics (number of matches displayed next to the ACL lines) are kept and displayed per-interface.

For example, this is the printout from one of my test routers:
R2#show ip access-list 101
Extended IP access list 101
10 permit ip any any (1900 matches)
R2#show ip access-list interface tunnel 0
Extended IP access list ICMP in
10 deny icmp any host echo
20 deny icmp any host echo
30 permit ip any any (2279 matches)
Extended IP access list 101 out
10 permit ip any any (10 matches)

Securing Networks with Cisco Routers and Switches

We have just released the new version of the Securing Networks with Cisco Routers and Switches (SNRS) remote lab exercises. They are an ideal companion to books or e-learning material if you're preparing for the CCSP exam. You can also use them as a great practice environment if you have to support security-related IOS features in your network, but simply don't have the extra equipment to test them out before deploying them.

As a side note, what really amazes me is the fact that Cisco has rolled out a mainstream certification course that supports pretty recent features (up to IOS release 12.4(6)T), including control-plane policing, management-plane protection, zone-based firewalls and Web VPN.

More information is available here.

Kill browser ads with Cisco router's DNS server

As you might already know, you can use the /etc/hosts file (or its Windows equivalent) to kill unwanted browser ads - just list all the banner-serving sites in you hosts file and set their IP addresses to In my June IP Corner article, Cisco Router: the Swiss Army Knife of Network Services (section Stop the browser ads and banners), I'm describing how you can do the same thing network-wide with a router acting as a DNS server.
For those of you who would like to automate this approach and convert a hosts file into a router configuration, here's a short PERL script to do it:
# converts hosts file into router configuration
# Stdin: hosts file
# Stdout: IOS configuration
our @line,$i;

while (<>) {
@line = split(/\s+/,$_);
next unless $line[0] eq "";
for ($i = 1; $i < $#line; $i++) {
last if $line[$i] =~ /\#/;
print "ip host $line[$i]\n"

Change the username/password prompt with AAA

TACACS+ protocol introduced with the IOS AAA architecture had great provisions for customizing the whole login process (user-defined banners, prompts ...). Unfortunately, it never really took off and most AAA solutions deployed today rely on RADIUS servers that cannot control the login process itself (the RADIUS server can only check the username/password pair for validity).

change the login prompts when using RADIUS servers, use the aaa authentication [bannerfail-messagepassword-promptusername-prompt] text configuration command.

For example, to introduce meaningful prompts when using one-time password solution, you could use something similar to this configuration:
aaa authentication banner #
Access to this router is protected with one-time passwords.

Send an e-mail to if you need access.

aaa authentication fail-message #
Login failed. Wait at least 30 seconds and retry
aaa authentication password-prompt "Enter your PIN + one-time password:"
aaa authentication username-prompt "Enter your username:"
Note: the texts specified with the password-prompt and username-prompt options are one-line texts delimited with quotes, the parameters of the banner and fail-message options are multi-lined texts delimited with any character.

OSPF Database Summary. (Problem #72)

Consider the network shown above with the configuration on the three
routers as follows -

Router R1

interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Serial2
ip address
router ospf 100
network area 1
network area 1

Router R2

interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Serial2
ip address
router ospf 100
network area 0
network area 1
network area 0

Router R3

interface Loopback0
ip address
interface Serial2
ip address
router ospf 100
redistribute connected subnets
network area 0

Now consider the following output from the show ip ospf database database-summary command taken on router R1. The first command was issued with the configuration shown above and the subsequent outputs were taken after some configuration changes on the routers in the network which are not specified in this problem.

Output #1

R1#sh ip ospf database database-summary

OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID 100)

Area 1 database summary
LSA Type Count Delete Maxage
Router 2 0 0
Network 0 0 0
Summary Net 2 0 0
Summary ASBR 1 0 0
Type-7 Ext 0 0 0
Prefixes redistributed in Type-7 0
Opaque Link 0 0 0
Opaque Area 0 0 0
Subtotal 5 0 0

Process 100 database summary
LSA Type Count Delete Maxage
Router 2 0 0
Network 0 0 0
Summary Net 2 0 0
Summary ASBR 1 0 0
Type-7 Ext 0 0 0
Opaque Link 0 0 0
Opaque Area 0 0 0
Type-5 Ext 1 0 0
Prefixes redistributed in Type-5 0
Opaque AS 0 0 0
Total 6 0 0

Output #2

R1#sh ip ospf database database-summary

OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID 100)

Area 1 database summary
LSA Type Count Delete Maxage
Router 2 0 0
Network 0 0 0
Summary Net 1 0 0
Summary ASBR 0 0 0
Type-7 Ext 0 0 0
Prefixes redistributed in Type-7 0
Opaque Link 0 0 0
Opaque Area 0 0 0
Subtotal 3 0 0

Process 100 database summary
LSA Type Count Delete Maxage
Router 2 0 0
Network 0 0 0
Summary Net 1 0 0
Summary ASBR 0 0 0
Type-7 Ext 0 0 0
Opaque Link 0 0 0
Opaque Area 0 0 0
Type-5 Ext 0 0 0
Prefixes redistributed in Type-5 0
Opaque AS 0 0 0
Total 3 0 0

Output #3

R1#sh ip ospf database database-summary

OSPF Router with ID ( (Process ID 100)

Area 1 database summary
LSA Type Count Delete Maxage
Router 2 0 0
Network 0 0 0
Summary Net 3 0 0
Summary ASBR 0 0 0
Type-7 Ext 0 0 0
Prefixes redistributed in Type-7 0
Opaque Link 0 0 0
Opaque Area 0 0 0
Subtotal 5 0 0

Process 100 database summary
LSA Type Count Delete Maxage
Router 2 0 0
Network 0 0 0
Summary Net 3 0 0
Summary ASBR 0 0 0
Type-7 Ext 0 0 0
Opaque Link 0 0 0
Opaque Area 0 0 0
Type-5 Ext 0 0 0
Prefixes redistributed in Type-5 0
Opaque AS 0 0 0
Total 5 0 0

Your task in this problem is to look at the output and reverse engineer what config changes must have been done to cause the changes in the output shown above. Note that you have to specify what happened between output #1 and output #2 and then what happened between output #2 and output #3.

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